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Criminal Defense Attorney Lawyer
Criminal Defense
DUI Defense Attorney Lawyer
DUI Defense
Criminal Appeals Attorney Lawyer
Criminal Appeals
Personal Injury Attorney Lawyer
Personal Injury

About us

Ryan English

Ryan was born and raised in the greater Los Angeles area but left when he was 18. Since then, he has lived up and down the west coast and southwest, has attended 6 different colleges, worked numerous jobs, and met some really interesting people in the process. Washington is by far his favorite state and he now considers himself a Washingtonian. He started working when he was 13 as a math and reading tutor. He then worked throughout high school, whether it was washing cars, mowing lawns, tending a cash register, collecting shopping carts, or soliciting people for blood donations. He also worked through college as a salesman, a music teacher, and then as a car mechanic to pay the bills. Finally, he ended up back in the City of Los Angeles after bouncing around from college to college and graduated with a degree in philosophy with a pre-law minor. Ryan's passion is working on cars (especially classics), and he has continued to do that. Ryan has had a variety of unusual and unique experiences throughout life that have shaped his world view and helped him connect with his clients.

Ryan's father and step-father were both cops, so naturally he became a defense lawyer. Throughout law school, Ryan worked; first for a superior court judge, criminal trial attorney, then a firm doing criminal appeals, and then the Department of Public Defense in King County. Due to the circumstances his employer created, he worked on multiple criminal appeals involving serious felony convictions with scarce or no supervision. From that, he learned the intricacies of criminal, appellate defense. Ryan was fortunate enough to have a fantastic supervisor and mentor at the Associated Counsel for the Accused – a highly regarded trial lawyer in Washington state. During his third year of law school, he learned how to be a courtroom lawyer and took his first case to trial. After five days, it resulted with the jury delivering two guilty verdicts (but after four hours of deliberation, so they really thought about it). But, because he already understood the appellate process, he told his client that she should appeal the conviction because the trial judge committed a reversible error, which Ryan preserved for the appeal. The higher court agreed, reversed, and all charges were dismissed.

The first case Ryan took to trial as a licensed attorney he won outright with a 30 minute not guilty verdict on two counts that were originally filed as felonies. Ryan boasts a stellar trial record with proven results. Although his style of lawyering is polite and respectful when it comes to negotiating, he is not afraid of trial and welcomes it any day. No matter what your case is, whether it be a simple misdemeanor, sex offense, robbery appeal or personal injury claim, Ryan knows how to approach it.

* The consultation you have with one of our attorneys is not legal advice, until there is a formal attorney-client relationship. However, all consultations are confidential, privileged and of course, free with no strings attached. Life happens at any given moment, and we’ll be there for it.
We strongly encourage you to refrain from speaking with anyone about your case, unless that person is your attorney or an attorney with whom you are consulting. Do not engage law enforcement, prosecuting attorneys, witnesses, claims adjusters etc. in any form of conversation which is or may be materially related to your case. Call for a free consultation and speak with Ryan and learn how to you can assert and/or defend your rights.